Other Fees

What do you charge for using a Netwealth adviser?

The table below lays out the fees payable if you elect to receive advice relating to your investments from a qualified Netwealth adviser. Fees quoted are already inclusive of any applicable VAT.

Description Fee
One-off Advice £200 per hour
Ongoing Advice 0.35% per annum on the value of your Account


To cover some of the more common advice requirements of our clients, we offer a range of fixed-price advice packages. Fees quoted are inclusive of any applicable VAT. 

Pension contributions - £400

Utilising pension annual allowances are an important way of optimising your retirement plans. However, many clients either pay too little into their pensions or, due to recent rule changes, pay in more than is optimal.

After analysing both your income and your recent pension contributions, in this package we advise you upon your ability to make further pension contributions in a tax-efficient way. This advice takes into account, where applicable, your tapered annual allowance if you are a high-earner and your ability to carry forward unused pension allowances from previous tax years.

Drawing down - £1,200

Drawing down upon your pension is something that is typically done to raise funds for retirement. However, there are many things to consider before doing this. In this advice package we will help you to consider your options when drawing down upon your Netwealth pension, and how you should manage your pension once in drawdown.

Some of the key considerations when drawing down are how much income can be sustainably drawn for the length of your retirement, whether tax-free cash should be withdrawn, and if so, what should be done with it. We also consider whether annuities or UFPLS should be opted for instead of entering drawdown in the first place.

Finally, this advice package lets clients know how much tax will be due if drawing down, how to optimise this position and how the residual pension should be invested to best meet your requirements in retirement.

Is there a charge when I change the risk level of my investments?

We think that investment objectives are best achieved through maintaining a long-term strategic asset allocation. If your objectives or preferences change you are able to change the risk level on your portfolio a maximum of two times per year. Any changes subsequent to that will be chargeable at 0.12% of the value of the investments to cover our additional trading costs.

Is there a charge to transfer in?

We will not charge you to transfer cash into your Netwealth account. However, your current provider may levy a fee to transfer out and you should check this with them.
Find out more about: transferring in ISAstransferring in JISAs and transferring in Pensions

Is there a charge to receive a statement?

No. We will provide statements online via our website. If you require a paper statement you can request this by contacting us. We will not charge for this.

What do you charge for using a Netwealth adviser?

The table below lays out the fees payable if you elect to receive advice relating to your investments from a qualified Netwealth adviser. Fees quoted are already inclusive of any applicable VAT.

Are there any other charges that I need to be aware of?

There are other charges that may be applicable, depending on the services provided. Fees are inclusive of any applicable VAT.

Description Charge
Cash Withdrawal via CHAPS £25
Cash Withdrawal via BACS £0
Cash Transfer Charge (GIA, ISA, JISA) £0
In Specie Transfer Charge (GIA, ISA, JISA) £20 per line of stock
Account Closure £0
Change of Portfolio Risk Level*
* For changes that exceed two times per year
0.12% of Portfolio market value
Netwealth Personal Pension Charges
Annual Charge £180
Income Drawdown Set-up Charge £90
Income Drawdown Annual Charge £108
Calculation of Pension Commencement Lump Sum (Tax Free Cash) £180
Calculation of Partial Uncrystallised Fund Pension Lump Sum £270
Capped Income Drawdown Annual Review £90
Annuity Purchase Charge £180
Single and Regular Contributions £0
Cash Transfers In £0
Cash Transfers Out £180
In-Specie Transfers In £270
In-Specie Transfers Out £180 per hour
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