Our Views on the Markets and the Economy

Articles, investment updates and economic analysis

Understanding inflation-protected bonds and how they can enhance multi-asset portfolios

Inflation, the rate at which the prices of goods and services increase over time, has become a significant concern in recent years. The post-pandemic economic landscape has been marked by supply chain disruptions, pent-up consumer demand, and large-scale fiscal and monetary interventions. These factors contributed to a sharp rise in prices, directly affecting the cost of living. Although the peak of this inflationary wave may have passed, the risk of future inflationary pressures remains a persistent challenge for investors.

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A focus on growth, rates and debt ahead of the October Budget

At the end of October the Chancellor will deliver her first Budget. Already the markets, as well as the general public, are expecting a tough Budget. This is a reflection of the messaging from the Government in recent weeks, the fiscal stance that has been inherited and the existing high level of UK debt.

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The cash challenge – why (and how) you should respond as interest rates fall

When interest rates are high they can be a useful alternative to investing, in particular for those who are more risk averse and are apprehensive about entering, or remaining in, markets. However, as rates start to fall, the presumption of cash savings as being the safest environment for your money should be challenged, especially if you hope to meaningfully grow your funds and realise your long-term plans. Inflation can begin to erode the real value of your capital and you should therefore take appropriate action if necessary.

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Benefits of a Financial Planning ‘MOT’

Effective financial planning is crucial for individuals who wish to have more of a say in their future. While a financial plan can help you to not only chart a path for your money and your life, it’s worth assessing your plan every so often to see if you are on track to achieve your objectives.

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How our key beliefs inform our investment approach

Successfully managing modern investment portfolios means expertly navigating an evolving set of challenges. Our key beliefs help to guide us when volatility is elevated, when the impact of policy actions is uncertain and give us the agility to respond as the fundamentals change.

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Black Monday crash didn’t last long. We’ll bounce back again now

This column by our chief economic strategist Gerard Lyons appeared in The Times on Tuesday 6th August, 2024.

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A transition to lower rates and to OsBrown economics

We are entering a transitional phase in economic policy across many countries. Especially in the UK, where low inflation points to an easier monetary policy and the change in government points to a shift in fiscal policy.

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How a bare trust benefits a child – and adults

Helping to save for a child’s future can be very rewarding, and there are a few options to consider. Many choose a bare trust as they can be very efficient and provide a great deal of flexibility – and they are not as complex or expensive to set up as you might think.

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Consumer protection: how to be more aware of fraud and scams

In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, the threat of financial fraud and scams remains ever-present. As we continue to navigate these challenges, it is crucial to stay informed and vigilant. Drawing on insights from our previous articles and the principles outlined in the FCA’s Consumer Duty, we aim here to enhance your awareness and provide practical steps to protect you.

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A focus on fiscal policy

Last Thursday we hosted a webinar that focused on the policy outlook in the UK and on the implications for people’s finances. You can watch the recording here. Our head of advice, Tom Kimche, looked into the latter, while I focused on the overall outlook and implications. There were three parts to my talk: the latest economic data; the King’s Speech and what it might mean for economic policy; and fiscal policy.

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